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Surrendering Expectations

Some people say that expectations can be a dangerous thing. Sometimes this is true… but sometimes, they can also be beautiful. Because having expectations is part of human nature, and having them means that we’re alive. It means that we’re thinking, and dreaming, and hoping about what is coming and what could be.

This past week, we had a retreat in the woods, away from technology and all other distractions. It allowed us to really get to know the people we will be doing life with for these next few months, to spend time with The Lord asking Him what He has for us and what He wants in this next season, and to prepare ourselves to be fully invested in what’s coming.

We looked closely at our expectations, and let me tell you that I have high hopes for these months in Georgia. I’m expecting a lot of personal growth, a greater understanding of my identity in Christ, and a kind of total freedom I’ve never known. I’m expecting to learn how to better lead, to dive deeper into my relationship with God, to form lasting friendships with the incredible people here, and to be challenged. I’m expecting adventure, fun, and days that push me far out of my comfort zone. I’m expecting it to be a difficult season in ways but also one that is tremendously beautiful.

The danger with having expectations comes when we don’t surrender them to God and expect everything to happen the way we want. Because the reality is that they usually don’t. Because He is better than that and instead of giving us what we think is best, He gives us what He KNOWS is best. And we can trust Him because He is so, so good. Whatever God has planned for and through me in this next chapter, I have great faith that it will be amazing… even if it’s totally different than what I imagine.